Welcome to the Meadow Lane Elementary School website. I am honored to be principal at Meadow Lane working with amazing students, families, and a wonderful group of dedicated professionals. Our priority is to provide a high quality education for every student, every day.
Meadow Lane was named for the neighborhood in which it is located. Classes started in 1955 in 10 houses bought by Lincoln Public Schools and sold once the school was finished in 1957. In 2006, a bond issue was passed to improve air quality and complete code renovations as well as a new gymnasium. Meadow Lane underwent more construction in 2015 where six additional classrooms and a state of the art library was added.
We have an incredible Parent-Teacher Association that focuses on a partnership with the school. Our PTA has supported playground renovations, field trips, monthly family events, and provides funds for teacher requests to enhance instruction. Meadow Lane’s community is stronger because of their support.
Our mission is, “Improving tomorrow by learning today.” The Meadow Lane staff is dedicated to providing a safe and respectful environment where we empower students to be engaged in their learning and their community. We believe in meeting the needs of all learners while providing robust curriculum and supports for students. We know the power that mindset has on children and their commitment to grow in our community.
The website is a way for us to share information regarding Meadow Lane. We hope you will take some time to explore our website and facebook page to learn more about the opportunities and activities that exist at Meadow Lane.
Thank you for being a part of our team and I look forward to working with each of you in the future!
Daniele Schulzkump
Principal at Meadow Lane Elementary
Student Hours
9:00 a.m. – 3:38 p.m.
Office Hours
8:00 a.m. – 4:15 p.m.
Like Us At
Meadow Lane’s Facebook
Family Service
(402) – 441 – 7949
2nd: 12:40-1:10
Feb 14Valentine Snack & Celebration |
Feb 17Schools Not in Session |
Feb 18Schools Not in Session |
Feb 186:00 pmto 7:00 pmPTA meeting |
Feb 206:00 pmto 7:00 pmMeadow Lane Science Fair |
9:00 a.m. to 3:38 p.m.
ParentVue / StudentVue
Grades, attendance, notifications and more
Important Information Booklet, Common Practices and School Handbook
Catalog search, Online Databases, eBooks
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